CGI Voices, hosted by Pete Tseronis
In the ever-changing world of federal agency management and technology, you need expert guidance to stay on course. Emerging cyber threats, rapidly advancing technology, and ever more complicated management and governance puzzles challenge even the most experienced federal agency leaders.
Get insights you can act on through the new CGI Voices podcast, hosted by agency veteran Pete Tseronis.
Pete is the founder of Dots and Bridges and is a former Chief Technology Officer at the Departments of Education and Energy. He also served as deputy CIO and assistant CIO at Energy. He is a member of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s advisory board and co-chair of the IoT Smart Infrastructure Working Group at ACT-IAC.
CGI Voices, hosted by Pete Tseronis
IT modernization is overdue: What has to happen?
As host Pete Tseronis says in this episode, “modernization” is a loosely-used term. As true as that is, however, modernization remains a necessity and a high priority for federal agencies. Legacy systems still run major, mission-critical functions even as they age and the number of people in the workforce able to program and maintain them dwindles.
Federal agency veterans Bob Barr (former Assistant Commissioner, IRS) and Sandy Bushue (former Deputy Administrator and Acting Administrator, Federal Transit Administration), draw on their own experiences to explain why modernization is such a challenge and how agency leaders can approach it successfully.
Have feedback or want to contact a CGI expert? You can email us at Voicespodcast@cgifederal.com.
Producer: Michael Hardy
Engineer: Lexie Floor
Assistant Engineer: Donovan Samuel
Want to watch instead of listening? Find this podcast on our Youtube channel.
Learn more about us at www.cgifederal.com
Useful resources
Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act