CGI Voices, hosted by Pete Tseronis

What’s ahead for the federal government: Charting priorities for 2024

CGI Federal Season 1 Episode 11

Every new year brings new priorities to federal agencies, technological advances to assess and incorporate and changing expectations among lawmakers, regulators and the public. As the holiday season fades and we get back to work with a refreshed energy, CGI Federal President Stephanie Mango and Senior Vice President, Strategic Operations Gregg Mossburg join former federal CTO Pete Tseronis to look at the year ahead—for CGI and for our federal customers. 

Episode highlights: 

Centering data

Data is the foundation for almost every business decision, in government and industry alike. Stephanie and Gregg talk with Pete about the never-ending accumulation of data and how agencies can best manage and utilize it.

Modernization < Transformation

Systems modernization is an ongoing project, but digital transformation is a more complex proposition. Rethinking and digitizing business processes leads to greater efficiencies and better public service. 

Artificial intelligence

AI seems to have suddenly matured to a point where new use cases are always emerging. Once considered risk-averse, federal agencies are showing a new willingness to experiment with emerging technologies.

Episode Chapters/timestamps
0:00 Intro
7:42 Creating a consultative culture
12:38 Centering data
14:45 Modernization < Transformation
16:48 Government looks for the wider view
20:02 Storytelling skills
24:10 Data and AI
32:19 Government/industry dialogue
44:03 Parting shots

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Producer: Michael Hardy
Engineer: Lexie Floor
Assistant Engineer: Donovan Samuel

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